As well as supporting those in need in far flung places, it would not be charitable to ignore our own doorstep in Malta. In this respect, the Council always has its eyes open for local deserving causes and, in recent years, the Grand Commandery has made the following donations:
In 2005, €11,650 was given to ‘Dar Tal-Providenza’, a residential care home for the disabled in Malta.
Support to the ‘Inspire, the Foundation for Inclusion’ (formerly known as ‘Razzett Tal Hbiberija’), a centre for the disabled in Marsascala, Malta, by purchasing various pieces of equipment to help ease the pain of the disabled. Previously we donated €816 for a ‘Bubble Tube’ for the centre’s Multi Sensory Unit. In 2013 we donated a further €2,000 for the purchase of two special suspension swings at the Unit.
The New Suspension Swings at Inspire
A donation of €1,496 to purchase a hospital bed to enable patients to receive treatment at the Adult Training Centre in Gozo. We purchased various pieces of equipment for the ‘Richmond Foundation’ in Malta costing €815.
A donation of €1,400 was given to the ‘Little Sisters of the Poor’ in Malta.
Two light weight wheelchairs were purchased for the ‘Malta Hospice Society’ at a cost of €1,165.
A donation of €350 was made to ‘St Paul’s Anglican Pro Cathedral’, Malta towards the repair required to the Cathedral roof.
To counter for the unseasonably low temperatures experienced in Malta during January to March 2012, the Grand Commandery donated two gas heaters with cylinders for use in the Communal room of the Silesian Men’s Hospice, Sliema.