In 2016 the Grand Commandery funded the building of a house for a leprosy sufferer, Mr Michael Zigara, in Western Uganda. In late August 2016, our Hospitaller, Chev Paul Warren, went out see the house and to visit Kagando Hospital which has a leprosy department.
He found Michael's new house to be well built and a great improvement on the previous mud hut.
Leprosy is still common in this part of the world, and Paul saw many sufferers, both in the hospital and in the surrounding areas. The people are very poor and have no water or electricity. Collecting water often involves a trek of several hours.
The Council of the Grand Commandery of the Castello is considering a possible future project in Western Uganda.
Bush plane across Uganda
(click any image to enlarge)
Addressing nursing staff at Kagando hospital
With lepers at Kagando Hospital
With Michael’s family and Canon Benson Baguma – director of the hospital
Michael’s daughters Katusabe and Mackline in front of their new house
Michael’s sister’s house next door.
Similar to Michael’s before it was washed away
With Kalpere, a leper in a nearby village
Elizabeth, another leprosy sufferer
With the disabled association in the village of Bwera,
near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo