geoff 250H.E Cdr the Chev Geoff Fosberry GClrLJ GCLJ GCMLJ GCrLJ MSDLJ
Jurisdiction Deputy Commander – 2001 – 2009
Jurisdiction Commander – 2009 - 2011

H. E. the Chev Geoffrey Fosberry, a retired Naval Commander, was appointed Deputy Commander of the Commandery of the Castello in 2001 with the then Grand Master as Commander. In 2009, the 49th Grand Master, Don Carlos Gereda de Borbon raised the Commandery to the status of Grand Commandery with him as Grand Commander and Chev Geoff Fosberry as Commander. He continued in the position until 2011.

Geoff was very much a people person who encouraged the generation of ideas by his Council colleagues and the involvement of other members as the Grand Commandery geared up to create social events to which Members and others could be invited to both enjoy themselves and thereby raise charitable funds. The concept continues to provide the backbone of the Grand Commandery’s financing of its charitable efforts even today.

In his time, the GCC discovered and selected the NGO ‘Women In Need’ (W.I.N.), founded by Ms Leah Pattison to help lepers in India, mostly female. The discovery was made by the then Chaplain, HE the Rev Colin Westmarland, during his reading of a UK Sunday newspaper whilst in London. Since then, the GCC has continously supported this charitable organisation in various ways.

Through various fund-raising activities, the GCC was able to sponsor what was probably the first ever television charity marathon for “Ġesu’ fil-Proxxmu’ (Jesus in thy Neighbour) founded by the missionary from Malta’s sister island Gozo, Fr George Grima. This initiative served to build basic houses for lepers in Ethiopia and other countries.

During his tenure, Chev Geoff Fosberry embarked on a long-due restoration of the inside walls of the Chapel and the Courtyard. At the time of Chev Geoff’s retirement, membership had risen to approximately 70 male and female members. The Grand Master then appointed Chev Geoff Fosberry Commander Emeritus and Keeper of the Castello.