December 5 th 1970 – the Sale by Maria Rita Camilleri to Lochore Enterprises of ‘the farm without a street number with its adjencies and a back garden (‘giardinetta’) situated at the rear of the farmhouse which serves as a back entrance to the courtyard’ for the price of £7,300.

The term ‘Tower’ was used throughout the preliminary agreements for the identification of the property and not otherwise.


February 1 st 1971 – Borg Grech Estates Ltd acknowledges Lochore Enterprises

(Malta)) Ltd as the new owners subject to a perpetual annual ground rent.


April 19 th 1972

Loan of Use transferring the Tower without a street number designated ‘Ta Lanzun’ in the area bearing the same name to the Military & Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem. Specific conditions were set and agreed to. The Order was represented by Chev Joseph Amato Gauci, acting in his capacity as Chancellor and Acting Receiver General of the Order. He became the first Commander of the jurisdiction now known as the Grand Commandery of the Castello.

DOC 4 & 5

February 19 th and 26 th 1980

After 8 years in which the Loan of Use had been in place it was taken back in the form of a legal Recession in order that the property could be sold privately to Col. Robert Gayre for the price of £7,500 by the Lochore Enterprises (Overseas) Ltd.


October 28 th 1980

In the last quarter of 1980 Col Gayre sold the property to the Commandery of Lochore in Malta for the price of £7,500. The Commandery eventually became the Commandery of the Castello.



Redemption of ground rent due to Borg Grech Estates Ltd.


October 5 th 1991

Document titled ‘The Castello Torri Ta Lanzun’ in which it is written that the Castello is the property of the Commandery of Lohore (in Malta) now the Grand Commandery of the Castello. Present were Chev Amato Gauci and Chev Stuart Hamilton, both in their time Commanders of the Jurisdiction before it became a Grand Commandery.

December 9 th 1994

Scheduling of Property – the Torri Lanzun is designated as a GRADE 1 building.

November 18 th 2016

Report by the Keeper of the Castello, HE Gerry Maidens, to the Grand Magistral meeting in Marbella 2016 in which the ownership of the Torri Lanzun, by the now Grand Commandery of the Castello, was confirmed.