Joining The Order
As an ecumenical Christian Order of Chivalry, membership of the Order of Saint Lazarus is open to both men and women who are practising and committed Christians, are of good character and standing in their community, and who wish to help alleviate worldwide suffering.
Normally, a person wishing to join the Order will contact one of the Jurisdictions of their country of residence. Once this contact has been made, the prospective member will be given the opportunity to meet existing members at events and social gatherings for a period of time to enable both the existing members to get to know the applicant and, just as important, for the prospective applicant to learn more about the Order, its principles and aims, and the lifelong commitment that membership demands. Once this ‘getting to know’ process is complete, if the applicant continues to seek membership, and the Council of the Jurisdiction concerned are happy with the standing and character of the applicant, the head of that Jurisdiction will offer the applicant the opportunity to formally apply for membership and the administrative joining process then follows.
New members are normally accepted into the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem in the rank of Member (MLJ). Membership is never offered without this two way familiarisation process being followed.
Annual Oblation
Each member is committed to an annual oblation (donation) to the Order. Part of this money goes to the Grand Chancery and the rest is retained by the local Jurisdiction concerned and used for administrative and philanthropic purposes. There is no joining fee for the Order and a member’s annual oblation is currently €150. Further donations during the year are entirely a private matter.